Wednesday, 4 August 2021

 What is the star cast of Ada Masali Turkish Drama? Well, her best-known TV roles are "Diana from Glee", "Turkishistan" and "Queen Elizabeth" but she also has small parts in movies "The Secret", "Love Actually" and "Me and Your Explanations". I am pretty sure that our dear princess did not take to watching Turkish Drama too often because she seems to be engaged in other projects.

turkish series

Eyllar Rami Tufekc - this actor is just so damn wonderful in every single Turkish play that I cannot stop praising him for his amazing acting skills and voice. As a matter of fact, he has the most amazing facial expression in any Turkish play I have ever seen. What is more amazing is that he also has the unique voice, which I have never heard before in Turkish or anywhere else. He makes Eyllar Rami Tufekc's character, Navruz plays the role of in.

The English subtitles that are provided for each episode make it much easier for you to follow along with the action without being confused. The plot summary is also very informative. When you finish reading the whole plot summary, you will find out what all the characters were doing in the episode, what happened, what resulted, and who the enemies were. If you are interested in watching Turkish dramas, I would suggest you start with Ada Masali's "Turkishistan".

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